Download Free Anti-Virus

Do you have to wait annoyingly for 1 minute just to open-up a notepad file?
Are you tired of not being able to finish your computer-related tasks on time because your computer constantly freezes up on you?

If your answer to both questions is one astounding "Yes", then I have two solutions for you.

Solution #1:
Go get yourself a new CPU.

If you already have a high-end computer, then solution # 2 is definitely something that you should consider.

Solution #2:
Go get yourself Grisoft's Free AVG Anti-Virus

AVG Anti-Virus is a very reliable, light-to-processors, easy-to-use, and most of all a FREE unwanted-virus-removal tool. It is probably the most popular anti-virus solution to home users because of its outstanding, high-level capability to detect and destroy the most common virus and even those new, sophisticated ones. That's why I'd be surprise if this is the first time you've heard of it. But nevertheless, you have now, and I know you want it now very badly, so I won't keep you waiting.

Also before I give you the link I would like to give credit to these guys from Grisoft because of their tear-dropping generosity. They also provide free updates. I just had my AVG anti-virus updated a couple of minutes ago, now viruses, trojans, worms, are the least of my worries. AVG can take care of them for me.

Well, so much for my mambo jambo opinions.

Here is the link -->

Have a nice time virus-hunting!

Peace Out! I'm Out!


  1. A.C.  

    February 3, 2008 at 12:30 AM

    Yes, Anti-virus are good but there are alternative ways to prevent from viruses. Anti-viruses only have a 25% chance of succeeding. You should know that ;)

    And lastly, AVG has outlived it's glory days. There are many many free anti viruses that are better than AVG. avast, bitdefender are such examples. :)

    Anyway, nice blog. Very informative. I'll link you to my blog soon.

    -Lord Ac