TV on your PC

Seriously, I've got to ask you this question. Do you think that those brilliant, genius people like Charles Babbage who contributed to basically every facet of luxury and convenience that we are experiencing now, thought and knew the true capability of their discovery?

I don't think so.

In the early 19th century, an English mathematician thought of inventing a machine that can simply help in calculating simple mathematical calculations. With his off-the-charts I.Q, he was able to invent an 8-foot, 15-ton calculator made possible by incorporating 25,000 odd-looking mechanical parts. Imagine what he went through just to come up with a machine that can do no more than what a palm-sized calculator these days can do.

I'm not, in any way mocking Charles because I wouldn't be blogging now if not for his discovery. The only point I'm trying to make here is that those people like my good-old Charles, didn't have a single clue as to how much their discovery will change the life of the people living 200 years later. Thank you Guys!

I'm sure Charles never thought that his behemoth (literally) invention can be shrunk and can actually do a lot more than just 1+1 = 2. Furthermore, basing on his machine's attributes, I'm definitely convinced that he never thought of watching a TV on that ancient computer.

200 years later....

TV on your PC....

TV 2.1 is an intuitive, user-friendly application developed by TVexe, which provides users access to over a hundred TV channels online, and of course the very reason why I am blogging about it, FREE. Download it for free and start watching your favorite TV shows, music, news, sports, and everything that you can watch from your Television, you can now do it in your PC.

TV 2.1 allows you to browse by region so if you're from africa who wants to watch an african channel, then you wouldn't feel left out. This applicaiton is also very easy to set-up. No need to configure because all you have got to do is select the region, channel, and sit-back and relax.

The only fall-back I see in this application, well it's not really a fall-back because most video streaming websites or applications would require a good amount of bandwidth. So this application is only suitable to broadband and DSL users.

Impressive right? Well, this blog wouldn't be complete without the one thing that you have been wanting.

Here is the link:

1. open a new browser and copy and paste that link to the new url
2. on the website, click on the "download" link, which you will find on the top-left being one of the links on the menu bar
3. now this is where the going gets a little bit tough. to download, you will find a column of links in the middle. The way I see it, those are servers, so click on one and wait for the prompt that'll ask you to save the application.
4. Install it and start watching TV on your PC.


  1. BuhayKalye  

    February 5, 2008 at 3:47 AM

    Very nice... Thanks... U up for exchange links??? Check out mine

  2. BuhayKalye  

    February 5, 2008 at 3:03 PM

    ok! heres mine...



  3. Anonymous  

    February 5, 2008 at 8:09 PM

    done,,, check it out,,leemme know if u wna change it again,,, kk,,

  4. Unknown  

    February 25, 2009 at 9:12 AM
